"Get a host of extras with this Deluxe version of our top-selling Security+ study guide!Prepare for CompTIA's new Security+ exam SY0-301 with this Deluxe Edition of our popular CompTIA Security+ Study Guide, 5th Edition. In addition to the 100% coverage of all exam objectives and study tools you'll find in the regular study guide, the Deluxe Edition gives additional hands-on exercises and study aides, three additional practice exams, over 100 additional electronic flashcards, valuable video demonstrations by the author, and an exclusive security administration simulator. Provides 100% coverage of all exam objectives for Security+ exam SY0-301 Packed with a hundred additional pages, located on the CD Features Deluxe-Edition-only additional practice exams and electronic flashcard, video demonstrations, and an exclusive Security Administrator simulator so you can practice in a real-world environment Covers key topics such as general security concepts, communication and infrastructure security, the basics of cryptography, operational security, and more Shows you pages of practical examples and offers insights drawn from the real world Get deluxe preparation, pass the exam, and jump-start your career. It all starts with CompTIA Security+ Deluxe Study Guide, 2nd Edition"-- |