
Record Nr.



Near Eastern Archaeology : A Reader / / edited by Suzanne Richard


Winona Lake, Ind. : , : Eisenbrauns, , 2012, 2003

©2012, 2003





[Paperback ed.]

Descrizione fisica

1 online resource (506 p.)

Altri autori (Persone)

RichardSuzanne <1947->








Weapons, Ancient

Underwater archaeology


Semitic languages






Jewish art


Iron age


Funeral rites and ceremonies

Excavations (Archaeology)

Church buildings


Canaanites - Religion


Bronze age

Architecture, Ancient

Archaeology - Technological innovations

Archaeology and religion



Archeologie - Moyen-Orient - Histoire

Metal-work - Middle East - History

Weapons, Ancient - Middle East - History

Ceramics - Middle East - History

Jewelry - History

Mosaics - Israel

Scarabs - Middle East - History

Canaanites - Religion - History

Synagogues - Middle East - History

Samaritans - Middle East - History

Funeral rites and ceremonies - Middle East - History

Burial - Middle East - History

Church buildings - Israel - History

Iron age - Middle East

Bronze age - Middle East

Jewish art - Israel - History

Jewish art - History

Hieroglyphics - History

Semitic languages - History

Archaeology - Israel

Underwater archaeology - Mediterranean Sea

Numismatics - Middle East - History

Excavations (Archaeology) - Middle East

Architecture, Ancient - Middle East - History

Archaeology - Middle East - History


Electronic books.

Alter Orient

Middle East

Mediterranean Sea


Moyen-Orient Antiquites

Middle East Antiquities

Israel Antiquities

Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico


Note generali

Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph

Nota di bibliografia

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Nota di contenuto

II. Cultural phases and associated topics: -- The paleolithic in Syria-Palestine / Geoffrey A. Clark and Nancy R. Coinman -- The neolithic period / Gary O. Rollefson -- Prehistoric chipped-stone technology / Gary O. Rollefson -- The chalcolithic of the Southern Levant / Thomas E. Levy -- The Nahal Mishmar hoard from the Judean desert / Miriam Tadmor -- Negev / Mordechai Haiman -- The early Bronze Age in the Southern Levant / Suzanne Richard -- Southern Sinai in the early Bronze Age II / Itzak Beit-Arieh -- Theory in archaeology : culture

change at the end of the early Bronze Age / Jesse C. Long, Jr. -- Archaeology of the Dead Sea Plain in Jordan / Walter E. Rast -- The middle Bronze Age (circa 2000-1500 B.C.E.) / David Ilan -- Canaanite religion / Beth Alpert Nakhai -- The late Bronze Age / Albert Leonard, Jr. -- El-Amarna texts / Victor H. Matthews -- Trade and exchange in the Levant / Eric H. Cline -- The Iron Age in the Southern Levant / Randall W. Younker -- Religion and cult in the Levant / William G. Dever -- Goddesses / Susan Ackerman -- Syria-Palestine in the Persian period / Charles E. Carter -- The Samaritans / Terry Giles -- The Hellenistic period / Andrea M. Berlin -- Nabateans / David F. Graf -- Classical test sources in the Levant / David F. Graf -- Jewish art and iconography in the land of Israel / Rachel Hachlili -- Synagogues in the land of Israel / Steven Fine -- Golan synagogues / Zevi ʼUri Maʻoz -- Early Christian iconography / Linda Sue Galate -- Early Christian churches in Israel / Joseph Patrich.

I. Theory, method, and context: -- Geography of the Levant / Barry J. Beitzel -- Paleoenvironments of the Levant / Arlene Miller Rosen -- Archaeozoology / Paula Wapnish and B. Hesse -- Paleoethnobotany / Peter Warnock -- Method and theory in Syro-Palestinian archaeology / John S. Holladay, Jr. -- Bible and archaeology / Walter E. Rast -- Levantine archaeology / Thomas W. Davis -- Text sources for Levantine archaeology : the Bible / J. Maxwell Miller -- Writing and scripts (with special reference to the Levant) / Gary A. Rendsburg -- Semitic languages (with special reference to the Levant) / Gary A. Rendsburg -- Writing : the archaeology of writing (writing materials) / Alan Millard -- Northwest Semitic epigraphic sources / Alan Millard -- Chronology of the Southern Levant / William G. Dever -- Survey of preclassical architecture in the Levant / G.R.H. Wright -- Bronze and iron age burials and funerary customs in the Southern Levant / Elizabeth Bloch-Smith -- Subsistence pastoralism / Oystein S. Labianca -- Agriculture / David C. Hopkins -- Roads and highways / David A. Dorsey -- Nautical archaeology in the Eastern Mediterranean / Deborah N. Carlson -- Ethnography/ethnoarchaeology / Gloria London -- Ethnicity and material culture / Gloria London -- Women in the ancient Near East / Susan Ackerman -- Everyday life (customs, manners, and laws) / Victor H. Matthews -- Archaeological survey in the Southern Levant / E.B. Banning -- Restoration of ancient monuments : theory and practice / G.R.H. Wright -- Metalworking/mining in the Levant / James D. Muhly -- Weapons and warfare in ancient Syria-Palestine / Graham Philip -- Ceramics/kilns / Gloria London -- Jewelry in the Levant / Elizabeth E. Platt -- The mosaics of Jordan / Michele Piccirillo -- Numismatics (minting and monetary systems/coinage) in the Levant / Kevin Butcher -- Scarabs / William A. Ward -- GIS and archaeological survey / Gary L. Christopherson -- Computer applications in archaeology / E.B. Banning.


More than 60 essays by major scholars in the field have been gathered to create the most up-to-date and complete book available on Levantine and Near Eastern archaeology. -- Publisher description.