
Record Nr.



African pastoralism [[electronic resource] ] : conflict, institutions and government / / edited by M.A. Mohamed Salih, Ton Dietz and Abdel Ghaffar Mohamed Ahmed


London ; ; Sterling, Va., : Pluto Press in association with OSSREA, 2001




Descrizione fisica

vii, 311 p

Altri autori (Persone)

SalihMohamed Abdel Rahim M (Mohamed Abdel Rahim Mohamed)


AhmadAbdel Ghaffar Muhammad




Sustainable development - Africa

Pastoral systems - Africa

Electronic books.

Africa Economic policy Case studies

Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico


Note generali

"This volume is the outcome of an International Conference on 'Resource Competition and Sustainable Development in Eastern and Southern Africa' organised by the Organisation of Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA) and the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in October 1999."

Nota di bibliografia

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Nota di contenuto

Towards security, stability and sustainability : oriented strategies of development in eastern africa / J. B. Opschoor -- Sustainable development and resource conflicts in Botswana / M.B.K. Darkoh and J.E. Mbaiwa -- Participation and governance in the development of Borana : Southern Ethiopia / Johan Helland -- Conflict management, resolution and institutions among the Karrayu and their neighbours / Ayelew Gebre -- Ranchers and pastoralists : the restructuring of government ranching, Uganda / Frank Emmanuel Muhereza -- Resource competition and conflict : herder/farmer or pastoralism/agriculture? / Mustafa Babiker -- Resource conflicts among the Afar of North-East Ethiopia / Ketachew Kassa -- Livelihood and resource competition, Sudan / Abdel Ghaffar M. Ahmed -- Pastoral

commercialisation : on caloric terms of trade and related issues / Ton Dietz, Abdirizak Arale Nunow, Adano Ware Roba and Fred Zaal -- Immediate problems : a view from a distance / P.T.W. Baxter -- Changing gender roles and pastoral adaptations to market opportunity in Omdurman, Sudan / Samia El Hadi El Nagar -- Research-led policy deliberation in Eritrea and Somalia : searching to overcome institutional gaps / Martin Doornbos.