IBM Backup Recovery and Media Services (BRMS) for the IBM eServer iSeries server is the strategic solution for managing backup, recovery, media, and storage in an iSeries-only environment. IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server and client products are the IBM tools that correspond to backup, recovery, media, and storage management functions in a heterogeneous (multiplatform) environment. IBM offers a unique integrated solution by combining the proven performance of BRMS on the iSeries server with the multiplatform capabilities of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager. In a multiplatform environment that includes iSeries servers, you can use the two products independently of each other. However, by integrating the two products, you achieve a much more powerful set of capabilities to back up and recover your mission-critical data and applications. Based on iSeries V5R2 BRMS and V5.2 of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, this IBM Redbooks publication provides: An overview of BRMS and IBM Tivoli Storage Manager terminology, constructs, and capabilities Cookbook examples to get BRMS and IBM |