Over the last 30-40 years, information technology (IT) has revolutionized professional life for millions of people around the world. IT has reduced the need for bulk storage of paper records by organizations, has enabled automation of tasks that were previously repetitive and labor-intensive, and carry them out in a fast and accurate way, has enabled economies of scale, improved efficiencies and enabled new ways of working that were hitherto impossible. In parallel with the rise of IT during the last 40 years, the role of the pharmacist – and the society in which pharmacists work – has changed considerably. Pharmacists are no longer principally compounders of medicines, but they are still responsible for ensuring that the patient receives the correct medicine, ensuring that the patient understands why they should take their medicine, and helping the patient with taking the medicine and being concordant with therapy. Information Technology in Pharmacy: an Integrated Approach provides a concise |