Grain, particularly cereals and legumes, remains the basis of the diet, or even the main part of the ration, in most countries of the South. While the increase in production partly meets the increase in demand, it is still essential to improve the conservation and processing of products to reduce post-harvest losses. Today, urbanization is leading to different eating habits, as urban households no longer have enough time to prepare traditional dishes. The food market is changing and consumers are no longer just buying basic foodstuffs, but are looking for products that are already processed, ready to cook or ready to eat, and produced in a way that satisfies their perception of organoleptic quality, respects hygiene rules and is environmentally friendly. This book addresses several aspects of grain processing and complements the book on grain preservation in the same collection. It presents different processing methods, mainly targeting small and medium-sized enterprises as the main actors in food processing systems in the South. This book is a practical reference for all grain processing professionals and for all development actors in the South / Les grains et particulièrement les céréales et les légumineuses restent la base de l'alimentation, voire l'essentiel de la ration, dans la plupart des pays du Sud. Si l'accroissement de la production répond, en partie, à la hausse |