It is our great pleasure to welcome you to CPSS 2018, the fourth ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop, co-located with ACM AsiaCCS 2018 and held in Incheon, Korea, on 4 June 2018. The call for papers attracted 24 submissions with authors from 28 countries: Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, DPR Korea, Republic of Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, UAE, UK, USA and Vietnam. Submissions were evaluated based on their significance, novelty, technical quality and relevance for the field. The review process was double-blinded. The program committee members have put in a significant effort in paper evaluation, and most of the papers received four reviews. Finally, we accepted six papers for presentation at the workshop, with an acceptance rate of 25%. In addition to the six technical presentations, there are also three keynote talks offering valuable insights into today's challenges and opportunities in CPS security: "On the Limits of Detecting Process Anomaly in Critical Infrastructure" by Prof. Aditya Mathur (SUTD, Singapore &Purdue University, USA)"Control Theory for Practical Cyber-Physical Security" by Prof. Henrik Sandberg (KTH, Sweden)"Leaky CPS: Inferring Cyber Information from Physical Properties (and the other way around)" by Prof. Mauro Conti (University of Padua, Italy). |