
Record Nr.



Lowery Joseph (Joseph W.)


CSS hacks and filters [[electronic resource] ] : making cascading style sheets work / / Joseph Lowery


Indianapolis, IN, : Wiley Pub., 2005





Descrizione fisica

1 online resource (288 p.)




Web sites - Design

Computer graphics

Cascading style sheets

Electronic books.

Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico


Note generali

Description based upon print version of record.

Nota di contenuto

CSS Hacks and Filters; About the Author; Credits; Contents at a Glance; Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Chapter 1: Why Hack CSS?; The Cascading Style Sheets Promise; Why CSS Is Broken; To Hack or Not to Hack; Chapter 2: Filtering CSS for Older Browsers; Hacking Netscape 4; Fixing Internet Explorer 3 and 4; Chapter 3: Hiding CSS from Newer Browsers; Controlling Internet Explorer 5 and Above; Taming Gecko-Based Browsers; Filtering Out Safari; Handling Opera Problems; Chapter 4: Applying Conditional Comments; About Conditional Comments; Showing/Hiding Styles from Individual Versions

Showing or Hiding a Range of VersionsWorking with Non-Internet Explorer Browsers; Practical Applications of Conditional Comments; Chapter 5: Scripting JavaScript and Document Object Model Hacks; Dynamically Loading Style Sheets; Switching Style Sheets with the DOM; Style Value Switching for Interactivity; Chapter 6: Coding Server-Side Solutions; Styling with ASP; Controlling CSS with PHP; ColdFusion Integration with CSS; Chapter 7: Enhancing Graphics and Media with CSS; Styling Images for Controlled Layout; Replacing Styles with Images Automatically; Scaling Images for Accessibility

Making Rounded Rectangles with CSSAdding Drop-Shadow Styles; Extending PNG Support; Implementing Flash Replacement; Chapter 8: Maintaining Accessibility with CSS; Setting Up for Accessible Text; Handling Print Media Style Sheets; Adding CSS Hacks for Screen Readers; Chapter 9: Integrated CSS Hack Layouts; Positioning with CSS; Managing the Float; Crafting Two-and Three-Column Designs; Placing Footers Correctly; Centering Page Layouts; Chapter 10: Building Navigation Systems; Designing CSS Navigation Bars; Creating Multilevel Drop-Downs; Crafting CSS Tabs; Chapter 11: Troubleshooting CSS

Avoiding the Flash of Unstyled ContentDebugging CSS Problems; CSS Usual Suspects Checklist; Chapter 12: Implementing CSS Hacks in Dreamweaver; Working with CSS in Dreamweaver; Using Snippets for CSS Hacks; Chapter 13: Creating CSS-Savvy Dreamweaver Templates; Setting Up Basic Templates for CSS; Embedding Design Time CSS Style Switching; Adjusting Layout Styles via Template Parameters; Constructing Contribute-Friendly CSS Designs; Appendix A: Resources; General CSS Sites; CSS Hack Information; CSS and JavaScript; Server-Side CSS; CSS and Graphics; CSS and Accessibility; CSS Layouts

CSS in NavigationCSS Example Sites; Appendix B: CSS Hacks and Filters Charts; Hiding CSS from a Browser; Revealing CSS to a Browser; Index


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a method of describing how a Web page should look in a Web browser, but a growing number of browsers do not support CSS in the same way, forcing developers to constantly play catch-up to keep their sites consistentBestselling author Joe Lowery eases the pain for those Web developers who aren't feeling the CSS love-he guides readers through real-world workarounds that will help a CSS-based site look and work the way it was meant toReaders will grit their teeth, clench their fists, and roll their eyes for the last time once they learn how to craft


Record Nr.



Guillebaud Christine


Le chant des serpents : Musiciens itinérants du Kerala / / Christine Guillebaud


Paris, : CNRS Éditions, 2019



Descrizione fisica

1 online resource (384 p.)


Sociology & Anthropology







Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico



Officiants de rituels domestiques, chanteurs au porte-à-porte, contractuels à la radio d'Etat, intervenants dans les colloques de musicologie indienne… Les musiciens itinérants du Kerala (Inde du Sud) pratiquent leur art selon des codes mouvants, riches, inventifs, sans cesse redéfinis en fonction des commanditaires, des lieux et des circonstances. Les « services musicaux » qu'ils offrent aux familles de haut statut visent à traiter les maux et les infortunes. Du fait même de leur mobilité, ils sont au cœur des réseaux de patronage qui caractérisent la société indienne.  Christine Guillebaud a suivi ces artistes « nomades » dont l'expression musicale emprunte aux formes populaires et sacrées, mêlant instruments, images, concepts, danses, voix, divinités. Une enquête passionnante qui permet de comprendre in situ le processus de création du « chant des serpents ».