1. |
Record Nr. |
UNINA9910634099803321 |
Autore |
Anchordoqui Claire |
Titolo |
La pandémie de Covid-19 : Expériences américaines / / Capucine Boidin, Claudia Damasceno, Marion Magnan, François-Michel Le Tourneau, Hervé Théry |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Paris, : Éditions de l’IHEAL, 2022 |
Descrizione fisica |
1 online resource (276 p.) |
Collana |
Altri autori (Persone) |
AssafMarie |
Barragán-OchoaFernando |
BoyerRobert |
CahierLaura |
CazarottoRosmari |
Charlier ZeineddineLaurence |
DemelenneJulien |
de OliveiraMaria Conceição |
FavierIrène |
Gonzalez MaltesVictoria |
GouësetVincent |
GranadaDaniel |
GrisottiMarcia |
LarréLionel |
Le TourneauFrançois-Michel |
LucasMaëlle |
MagnanMarion |
ManeroEdgardo |
MarchetMarion |
MesclierÉvelyne |
MorenasArthur |
NoucherMatthieu |
OlmedoÉlise |
OréMaría Teresa |
Pavan DetoniPriscila |
RealiMaría Laura |
RobertGarance |
RobertJérémy |
RostainStéphen |
BoidinCapucine |
DamascenoClaudia |
Le TourneauFrançois-Michel |
ThéryHervé |
Soggetti |
Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary |
Public Health & Health Care Science |
Economics (General) |
Amérique latine |
sciences sociales |
Covid-19 |
Amérique du Nord |
inégalités socioéconomiques |
Latin America |
social sciences |
North America |
inequalities |
América latina |
ciencias sociales |
América del Norte |
desigualdad |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Sommario/riassunto |
La pandémie de Covid-19 a bouleversé les Amériques qui étaient, à l’automne 2021, le continent le plus touché au monde. Pourquoi ? Rétrospectivement, le continent américain présente plusieurs vulnérabilités : des inégalités économiques abyssales, un travail informel très important, une grande ouverture économique et culturelle sur les autres continents qui impliquent des mouvements intenses, notamment de personnes, ou encore la présence au pouvoir de régimes populistes peu enclins à prendre des mesures draconiennes. Les conséquences de la pandémie sur les sociétés américaines sont, elles aussi, profondes, parce qu’elles réactivent des lignes de fractures anciennes ou parce qu’elles font émerger de nouvelles configurations politiques ou sociales. Analyser un phénomène alors qu’il est encore en train de se dérouler, sans le recul dont on peut disposer une fois qu’on en connaît toutes les conséquences, est un exercice périlleux, mais néanmoins indispensable et attendu, en période de crise, de la part des praticiens des sciences sociales. C’est à cet exercice que se sont risqués les auteurs des douze contributions de cet ouvrage. Celui-ci ne cherche pas à tracer un tableau exhaustif de la pandémie sur le continent américain, mais à montrer comment certaines situations ou certaines thématiques se sont trouvées affectées par une réalité qui a pris tout le monde à l’improviste. Cet exercice de sciences sociales « à chaud » propose des éclairages importants à l’heure où tous les pays du monde cherchent à évaluer comment et combien la pandémie les a transformés. |
2. |
Record Nr. |
UNINA9910338057203321 |
Autore |
McCarthy-Cotter Leanne |
Titolo |
The 1991 Child Support Act : Failure Foreseeable and Foreseen / / by Leanne McCarthy-Cotter |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Palgrave Macmillan, , 2019 |
Edizione |
[1st ed. 2019.] |
Descrizione fisica |
1 online resource (273 pages) |
Disciplina |
Soggetti |
Public policy |
Legislative bodies |
Political science |
Political theory |
Political leadership |
Economic development |
Youth in development |
Public Policy |
Legislative and Executive Politics |
Governance and Government |
Political Theory |
Political Leadership |
Development and Children |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Nota di contenuto |
Chapter One – Approaches to Policy Analysis and the Stages Heuristic -- Chapter Two – The Background, ‘Setting the Scene’ -- Chapter Three - Problem Definition -- Chapter Four – Policy Formation, Part One: ‘Dual-Policy Transfer’ and the 1991 Child Support Act -- Chapter Five – Policy Formulation, Part Two: The Imbalance of Power within the Core Executive -- Chapter Six - The Flawed Legislative Process -- Chapter Seven – Implementation and the 1991 Child Support Act -- Chapter Eight - The Failure of the 1991 Child Support Act -- Chapter Nine – Conclusion. |
Sommario/riassunto |
“In this meticulous study, Leanne McCarthy-Cotter traces the unhappy career of the 1991 Child Support Act - one of several misbegotten effects of Britain's dalliance with 'Thatcherism'. In particular, she warns against the uncritical transfer of policy ideas which might have been successful in one socio-political context to another country, without consideration of the very different factors at play. Apart from its obvious value to serious students of British politics, this book also provides policy-makers everywhere with an invaluable 'not-to-do' list.” —Mark Garnett, Lancaster University, UK This book assesses the 1991 Child Support Act and demonstrates how its failure was ‘foreseeable’ and ‘foreseen’. It provides an understanding of the creation, and failure, of the Act, as well as providing an examination of the British policy-making process. The book re-introduces the ‘stages approach’ as an appropriate framework for examining policy-making in general, and analysing policy failure in particular. It draws on evidence gained through interviews, official documents, unpublished consultation responses, Parliamentary debates, and materials from pressure groups and think-tanks, as well as academic literature. The 1991 Child Support Act is seen as one of the most controversial and notorious policy failures in Britain. However it has received relatively little academic attention. An in-depth analysis of the policy-making process that led to the development and passage of this deeply flawed policy has largely been neglected: this book fills that gap. Leanne McCarthy-Cotter is Head of Policy for a UK trade union. Dr McCarthy-Cotter’s research is in the fields of governance, policy, and legislation studies, particularly focusing on policy design. |
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