Preface -- Greger Andersson, Örebro School of Theology, Sweden, Tommy Wasserman, Örebro School of Theology, Sweden and David Willgren, Lund University, Sweden -- -- 1. The Theory of a Josianic Edition of the First Part of the Book of Isaiah: A Critical Examination Hugh Williamson, Oxford University, UK -- -- 2. Understanding Zion Theology in the Book of Isaiah -- Antti Laato, Åbo Academy, Finland -- -- 3. The Temple of God and Crises in Isaiah 56-66 and 1 Enoch -- Stefan Green, Åbo Academy, Finland -- -- 4. Divine Election in the Book of Isaiah -- Hallvard Hagelia, Ansgar Teologiske Høgskole, Norway -- 5. Antwort Gottes: Isaiah 40-55 and the Transformation of Psalmody -- David Willgren, Lund University, Sweden -- 6. From Indo-European Dragon-Slaying to Isa 27:1: Exploring the Longue Durée -- Ola Wikander, Lund University, Sweden -- -- 7. Paul: An Isaianic Prophet? -- Karl Olav Sandnes, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Norway -- 8. Vocalization and Interpretation in Isaiah 56-66: Weyiktol or Wayyiktol in Isaiah 63:1-6 as a Case of Early Jewish Interpretation -- Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer, University of Aberdeen, UK -- 9. Some Interpretive Experiences with Isaiah in Africa, Knut Holter, MHS School of Mission and Theology, Norway -- Bibliography -- Index |