Intro -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- PLATES IN VOL. II. -- BOOK X.- EVACUATION OF EGYPT. -- The Attention of Europe fixed upon the Negotiation opened at London-Speculations on the probable Influence of the Death of Paul I. on this Negotiation-State of the Russian Court-Character of Alexander-His young Friends form a Secret Government with him, wEgypt finally lost to France -- BOOK XI.-GENERAL PEACE. -- Last unsuccessful Attempt of Ganteaume to put to Sea-He touches at Derne, but dares not land 2000 Men whom he had on board, and puts back to Toulon-Capture of the Swiftsure on the Passage-Admiral Linois, sent from Toulon to Cadiz, is obliged to cast anchoExtraordinary Demonstrations of Sympathy reciprocated at this Moment by the two Nations. -- BOOK XII.-THE CONCORDAT. -- The Catholic Church during the French Revolution-Civil Constitution of the Clergy decreed by the Constituent Assembly-Assimilation of the Administration of Religion to that of the Realm-One Diocese established for each Department-Election of Bishops by thNecessity of overcoming this Opposition before going further -- BOOK XIII.-THE TRIBUNATE. -- Internal Administration-Suppression of Highway Robbery and Repair of the Roads-Revival of Commerce-Exports and Imports of the Year 1801-Material Results of the French Revolution in Respect to Agriculture, Manufactures, and Population-Influence of the PrefGrand Review of the Army of Egypt-Return of the First Consul to Paris. -- |