
Record Nr.



Fables of the Law : Fairy Tales in a Legal Context / / Daniela Carpi, Marett Leiboff


Berlin ; ; Boston : , : De Gruyter, , [2016]





[1st ed.]

Descrizione fisica

1 online resource (464 pages)


Law & Literature ; ; 13





Law and literature

Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico


Note generali

Includes index.

Nota di contenuto

Frontmatter -- Table of Contents -- Introduction -- Fables of the Law, a Literary Perspective / Carpi, Daniela -- Fabulous Law: Legal Fables / Leiboff, Marett -- Part I: Fabulising Law -- The Wondrous (Baroque) Gender Revolution, or the Rise and Fall of the Empire of Fairies / Romero, Luis Gómez -- The Haunting Memory of Law: Mystic Fables, Uncanny Presences and Normative Spectrality / Costantini, Cristina -- Political Sublime: Heterodoxy and Jurisdiction at the Origin of Modernity / Monateri, Pier Giuseppe -- Mystical Bodies and Bodies of Law: On Juridical Theology and the (Re)Foundations of the West / Baldissone, Riccardo -- Part II: Contemporary Fables -- Narrators of Fables or Framers of the Constitution? The Acallam na Senórach Beyond Time, Place, and Law / Nicolini, Matteo -- Playing with Conventions and Traditions: The Modern Legal Fairy Tale / Pichler, Doris -- The Good Old Rule, the Catspaw and a Two-Headed Baby / Leiboff, Marett -- Ethics and Law at Play on the Football Pitch / Rossi, Giuseppe / Carbone, Paola -- Earth Jurisprudence and the Myth of Gaia / Adami, Valentina -- Part III: Fables of Family -- Archetypes and Family Models / Cordiano, Alessandra -- Divorce and the Failure of Law in Dickens's Hard Times / Soccio, Anna Enrichetta -- Bluebeard and the Polygamous Family / Baruffi, Maria Caterina -- Part IV: Law, Myth and Magic -- Fables of the Holocaust: Hansel and Gretel / Carpi, Daniela -- Let the Right Law In: True Blood, the Twilight Saga and The Passage as Lex

Vampirica / MacNeil, William P. -- Tales of Terror: The Pillowman and the Violence of the Virtual / Soncini, Sara -- The Fable of the Bees in Contemporary Penal Law / Sgubbi, Filippo -- Summons, Prophecies, Possession and Madness: Intersections of Law and Magic in Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell / Doerr, Roxanne Barbara -- An Invented Executive: The Ministry of Magic in Harry Potter / Ligugnana, Giovanna -- Law and Magic: King Arthur and the Making of a Myth / Cutolo, Raffaele -- Contributors -- Subject index


The latest development concerning the metaphorical use of the fairy tale is the legal perspective. The law had and has recourse to fairy tales in order to speak of the nomos and its subversion, of the politically correct and of the various means that have been used to enforce the law. Fairy tales are a fundamental tool to examine legal procedures and structures in their many failings and errors. Therefore, we have privileged the term "fables" of the law just to stress the ethical perspective: they are moral parables that often speak of justice miscarried and justice sought.Law and jurists are creators of "fables" on the view that law is born out of the facts (ex facto ius oritur) so that there is a need for narrative coherence both on the level of the case and the level of legislation (or turned the other way around: what does it mean if no such coherence is found?). This is especially of interest given the influx of all kinds of new technologies that are "fabulous" in themselves and hard to incorporate in traditional doctrinal schemes and thus in the construction of a new reality.


Record Nr.



Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis : 7th International Symposium, ATVA 2009, Macao, China, October 14-16, 2009 ; Proceedings / / Zhiming Liu, Anders P. Ravn (eds.)


Berlin ; ; Heidelberg, : Springer-Verlag, c2009




[1st ed. 2009.]

Descrizione fisica

1 online resource (XI, 414 p.)


Lecture notes in computer science ; ; 5799


DAT 286f

DAT 325f

DAT 704f

SS 4800

Altri autori (Persone)

LiuZhiming <1961->

RavnAnders P




Artificial intelligence

Automatic theorem proving

Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico


Note generali

Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph

Nota di bibliografia

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Nota di contenuto

Invited Talks -- Verifying VLSI Circuits -- 3-Valued Abstraction for (Bounded) Model Checking -- Local Search in Model Checking -- State Space Reduction -- Exploring the Scope for Partial Order Reduction -- State Space Reduction of Linear Processes Using Control Flow Reconstruction -- A Data Symmetry Reduction Technique for Temporal-epistemic Logic -- Tools -- TAPAAL: Editor, Simulator and Verifier of Timed-Arc Petri Nets -- CLAN: A Tool for Contract Analysis and Conflict Discovery -- UnitCheck: Unit Testing and Model Checking Combined -- Probabilistic Systems -- LTL Model Checking of Time-Inhomogeneous Markov Chains -- Statistical Model Checking Using Perfect Simulation -- Quantitative Analysis under Fairness Constraints -- A Decompositional Proof Scheme for Automated Convergence Proofs of Stochastic Hybrid Systems -- Medley -- Memory Usage Verification Using Hip/Sleek -- Solving Parity Games in Practice -- Automated Analysis of Data-Dependent Programs with Dynamic Memory -- Temporal Logic I -- On-the-fly Emptiness Check of Transition-Based Streett Automata -- On Minimal Odd Rankings for Büchi

Complementation -- Specification Languages for Stutter-Invariant Regular Properties -- Abstraction and Refinement -- Incremental False Path Elimination for Static Software Analysis -- A Framework for Compositional Verification of Multi-valued Systems via Abstraction-Refinement -- Don’t Know for Multi-valued Systems -- Logahedra: A New Weakly Relational Domain -- Fault Tolerant Systems -- Synthesis of Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems -- Formal Verification for High-Assurance Behavioral Synthesis -- Dynamic Observers for the Synthesis of Opaque Systems -- Temporal Logic II -- Symbolic CTL Model Checking of Asynchronous Systems Using Constrained Saturation -- LTL Model Checking for Recursive Programs -- On Detecting Regular Predicates in Distributed Systems.


This book constitutes the proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, ATVA 2009, held in Macao, China, in October 2009. The 23 regular papers and 3 took papers presented together with 3 invited talks, were carefully reviewed and selected from 74 research papers and 10 tool papers submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on state space reduction, tools, probabilistic systems, medley, temporal logic, abstraction and refinement, and fault tolerant systems.