1. The nation of naturales del Reino de Granada : transforming identities in the Morisco Castilian diaspora, 1502-1614 / Manuel F. Fernandez Chaves and Rafael M. Perez Garcia -- 2. The Huguenots' maritime networks, 16th-18th centuries / Susanne Lachenicht -- 3. The challenge of linking two worlds : transatlantic Quaker connections, the American revolution, and abolitionism, 17th-18th centuries / Sunne Juterczenka -- 4. "A very warm Surinam kiss" : staying connected, getting engaged interlacing social sites of the Moravian diaspora / Dagmar Freist -- 5. Owning the body, wooing the soul : how forced labor was justified in the Moravian correspondence network in eighteenth-century Surinam / Jessica Cronshagen -- 6. Lutheran correspondence networks in the eighteenth century Atlantic world / Hermann Wellenreuther -- 7. A diaspora on the edge of modernity? The Jewish minority in Gothenburg in late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries / Anna Brismark and Pia Lundqvist. |