1. |
Record Nr. |
UNINA9910142558203321 |
Titolo |
Cancer causes & control |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Oxford, U.K., : Rapid Communications of Oxford, Ltd., 1990- |
Disciplina |
Soggetti |
Cancer - Epidemiology |
Cancer - Prevention |
Neoplasms - epidemiology |
Neoplasms - prevention & control |
Cancer - Épidémiologie |
Cancer - Prévention |
Periodicals. |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Periodico |
Note generali |
Refereed/Peer-reviewed |
Imprint varies; published: Rapid Communications Oxford-New York, Nov. 1993-July 1995; Rapid Science Publishers, Sept. 1995-Mar. 1998; London : Lippincott-Raven Publishers, May-Dec. 1998; Dordrecht, the Netherlands : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999-2004; Springer Netherlands, 2005- |
Title from cover (SpringerLink Website, viewed Oct. 11, 2006). |
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