In terms of transport services and degree of motorisation, Germany is actually a car country. The fact that Germany is also a railroad country shows the passion with which locomotive driver strikes and punctuality rates of trains are publicly discussed. And for many, rail is also in the true sense of the word at heart - as a nostalgic means of transport of history and stories, as a toy, leisure activity and area of interest. On the basis of selected examples, 'railway games' from an ethnographic-cultural-scientific perspective deals with the appropriation and staging of rail transport in popular contexts. The demand is for the childish railway game, for the presentation of the railway in the museum, for the memory of long-dismantled tracks and for male hegemony in the railway club. On display will be an intercultural model railway craft project and a piece of man's world that was created around a field railway. And it is fundamentally considered in what relation the railroad is to the creative and gambling people and how the popular enthusiasm for rail transport can be explained. |