Overview of legal citation -- Citing cases in Bluebook or ALWD form -- Citing legislative, administrative, and related sources in Bluebook and ALWD form -- Citing secondary and Internet sources in Bluebook and ALWD form -- Appendix 1. Case name and other abbreviations -- Appendix 2. Abbreviations of state, Federal, and U.S. territorial court reporters -- Appendix 3. Nominative reporters -- Appendix 4. Status of official state court reporters, public domain citations, and availability of parallel West citations -- Appendix 5. Parenthetical court abbreviations, court websites, and preferred reporters -- Appendix 6. Federal and state statutory compilations, session laws, and legislative websites -- Appendix 7. Periodical abbreviations -- Appendix 8. Abbreviations for looseleaf services and reporters -- Appendix 9. Technical Bluebook and ALWD rules governing the order of citation of authorities -- Appendix 10. Abbreviations of titles of judges and other officials -- Appendix 11. Abbreviations of legislative documents -- Appendix 12. Abbreviations of litigation documents. |