Conventional wisdom holds that fathers have few parentingskills and that mothers always know best. The single fatheris often considered a mythical creature, found only in sitcomsas an object of humor or pity. Where does that leave real singledads? Too often, it makes them susceptible to overcompensationor apathy.Tez Brooks knows those feelings all too well. He's traveledthat road with his own children after an unexpected divorce. TheSingle Dad Detour is the result of his journey and the lessons he'slearned along the way. It's a guidebook for the rocky road of singlefatherhood, extending encouragement, confidence, and challenges,using specific examples from dads who've survived parentingand have hope to offer.There are no unreachable requirements for perfect fatherhoodhere and no twisty theological mysteries-just authentic, downto-earth wisdom from one dad to another. |