1. "The anthropophagic Satanists". Monthly religious, political, scientific review, following the publication "The Devil in the 19th century", no. 6, 1894. Paris: Delhomme et Briguet, Éditeurs. -- 2. "A priest from Haiti poisoned by sorcerers. His healing on September 5". Monthly religious, political, scientific review, no. 27 and no. 31, 1896. Paris: Delhomme et Briguet, Éditeurs. -- 3. "Vaudoux and Bocor in Haiti". Monthly religious, political, scientific review, no. 33, 1896. Paris: Delhomme and Briguet, Publishers. -- 4. "Popular conference on voodoo". By A. Firmin. Monthly religious, political, scientific review, no. 35, 1896. Paris: Del-homme and Briguet, Publishers. |