49-XX - Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization [MSC 2020] |
46E35 - Sobolev spaces and other spaces of “smooth” functions, embedding theorems, trace theorems [MSC 2020] |
28Bxx - Set functions, measures and integrals with values in abstract spaces [MSC 2020] |
35Kxx - Parabolic equations and parabolic systems [MSC 2020] |
47Hxx - Nonlinear operators and their properties [MSC 2020] |
47Jxx - Equations and inequalities involving nonlinear operators [MSC 2020] |
35Jxx - Elliptic equations and elliptic systems [MSC 2020] |
49Jxx - Existence theories in calculus of variations and optimal control [MSC 2020] |
35Rxx - Miscellaneous topics in partial differential equations [MSC 2020] |
35B51 - Comparison principles in context of PDEs [MSC 2020] |