65R20 - Numerical methods for integral equations [MSC 2020] |
65M32 - Numerical methods for inverse problems for initial value and initial-boundary value problems involving PDEs [MSC 2020] |
65N12 - Stability and convergence of numerical methods for boundary value problems involving PDEs [MSC 2020] |
65N15 - Error bounds for boundary value problems involving PDEs [MSC 2020] |
78M10 - Finite element, Galerkin and related methods applied to problems in optics and electromagnetic theory [MSC 2020] |
62P10 - Applications of statistics to biology and medical sciences; meta analysis [MSC 2020] |
65F22 - Ill-posedness and regularization problems in numerical linear algebra [MSC 2020] |
65R32 - Numerical methods for inverse problems for integral equations [MSC 2020] |
65J22 - Numerical solution to inverse problems in abstract spaces [MSC 2020] |
65N21 - Numerical methods for inverse problems for boundary value problems involving PDEs [MSC 2020] |
78A46 - Inverse problems (including inverse scattering) in optics and electromagnetic theory [MSC 2020] |