62-XX - Statistics [MSC 2020] |
62F15 - Bayesian inference [MSC 2020] |
62M10 - Time series, auto-correlation, regression, etc. in statistics (GARCH) [MSC 2020] |
62M20 - Inference from stochastic processes and prediction; filtering [MSC 2020] |
62P05 - Applications of statistics to actuarial sciences and financial mathematics [MSC 2020] |
62P20 - Applications of statistics to economics [MSC 2020] |
62P30 - Applications of statistics in engineering and industry; control charts [MSC 2020] |
91B84 - Economic time series analysis [MSC 2020] |
93E03 - Stochastic systems in control theory (general) [MSC 2020] |
93E11 - Filtering in stochastic control theory [MSC 2020] |