1. |
Record Nr. |
Autore |
Koschorke, Ulrich |
Titolo |
Vector Fields and Other Vector Bundle Morphisms : A Singularity Approach / Ulrich Koschorke |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Descrizione fisica |
Soggetti |
57R20 - Characteristic classes and numbers in differential topology [MSC 2020] |
57R25 - Vector fields, frame fields in differential topology [MSC 2020] |
57R42 - Immersions in differential topology [MSC 2020] |
57R45 - Singularities of differentiable mappings in differential topology [MSC 2020] |
57R90 - Other types of cobordism [MSC 2020] |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
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