12-XX - Field theory and polynomials [MSC 2020] |
15-XX - Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory [MSC 2020] |
34-XX - Ordinary differential equations [MSC 2020] |
35-XX - Partial differential equations [MSC 2020] |
41-XX - Approximations and expansions [MSC 2020] |
65-XX - Numerical analysis [MSC 2020] |
65Dxx - Numerical approximation and computational geometry (primarily algorithms) [MSC 2020] |
65Fxx - Numerical linear algebra [MSC 2020] |
65Hxx - Nonlinear algebraic or transcendental equations [MSC 2020] |
65Lxx - Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations [MSC 2020] |
65N06 - Finite difference methods for boundary value problems involving PDEs [MSC 2020] |
65N30 - Finite elements, Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin methods, finite methods for boundary value problems involving PDEs [MSC 2020] |
65Y15 - Packaged methods for numerical algorithms [MSC 2020] |
68W30 - Symbolic computation and algebraic computation [MSC 2020] |