00A79 (77-XX) - Physics [MSC 2020] |
35B40 - Asymptotic behavior of solutions to PDEs [MSC 2020] |
35C08 - Soliton solutions [MSC 2020] |
35Qxx - Partial differential equations of mathematical physics and other areas of application [MSC 2020] |
37N20 - Dynamical systems in other branches of physics (quantum mechanics, general relativity, laser physics) [MSC 2020] |
46N50 - Applications of functional analysis in quantum physics [MSC 2020] |
47J10 - Nonlinear spectral theory, nonlinear eigenvalue problems [MSC 2020] |
49J35 - Existence of solutions for minimax problems [MSC 2020] |
49Sxx - Variational principles of physics [MSC 2020] |
81V10 - Electromagnetic interaction; quantum electrodynamics [MSC 2020] |
81V25 - Other elementary particle theory in quantum theory [MSC 2020] |