60Cxx - Combinatorial probability [MSC 2020] |
60Dxx - Geometric probability and stochastic geometry [MSC 2020] |
62G05 - Nonparametric estimation [MSC 2020] |
62G07 - Density estimation [MSC 2020] |
62G08 - Nonparametric regression and quantile regression [MSC 2020] |
62G20 - Asymptotic properties of nonparametric inference [MSC 2020] |
62G30 - Order statistics; empirical distribution functions [MSC 2020] |
62H30 - Classification and discrimination; cluster analysis (statistical aspects) [MSC 2020] |
68T05 - Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence [MSC 2020] |
68T10 - Pattern recognition, speech recognition [MSC 2020] |