34-XX - Ordinary differential equations [MSC 2020] |
34Bxx - Boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations [MSC 2020] |
34Hxx - Control problems including ordinary differential equations [MSC 2020] |
35-XX - Partial differential equations [MSC 2020] |
35Jxx - Elliptic equations and elliptic systems [MSC 2020] |
35Kxx - Parabolic equations and parabolic systems [MSC 2020] |
35Qxx - Partial differential equations of mathematical physics and other areas of application [MSC 2020] |
49-XX - Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization [MSC 2020] |
49Mxx - Numerical methods in optimal control [MSC 2020] |
62-XX - Statistics [MSC 2020] |
62Kxx - Design of statistical experiments [MSC 2020] |
65-XX - Numerical analysis [MSC 2020] |
65Kxx - Numerical methods for mathematical programming, optimization and variational techniques [MSC 2020] |
65Lxx - Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations [MSC 2020] |
65Mxx - Numerical methods for partial differential equations, initial value and time-dependent initial-boundary value problems [MSC 2020] |
68-XX - Computer science [MSC 2020] |
68Uxx - Computing methodologies and applications [MSC 2020] |
90-XX - Operations research, mathematical programming [MSC 2020] |
90Cxx - Mathematical programming [MSC 2020] |