
Record Nr.



Michel, Anthony N.


Stability of dynamical systems : on the role of monotonic and non-monotonic Lyapunov functions / Anthony N. Michel, Ling Hou, Derong Liu


[Cham], : Birkhäuser, : Springer, 2015

Titolo uniforme

Stability of dynamical systems : on the role of monotonic and non-monotonic Lyapunov functions


[2. ed]

Descrizione fisica

XVIII, 653 p. : ill. ; 24 cm

Altri autori (Persone)

Hou, Ling

Liu, Derong


15-XX - Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory [MSC 2020]

15Axx - Basic linear algebra [MSC 2020]

26-XX - Real functions [MSC 2020]

26Axx - Functions of one variable [MSC 2020]

26Bxx - Functions of several variables [MSC 2020]

34-XX - Ordinary differential equations [MSC 2020]

34Axx - General theory for ordinary differential equations [MSC 2020]

34Cxx - Qualitative theory for ordinary differential equation [MSC 2020]

34Dxx - Stability theory for ordinary differential equation [MSC 2020]

34Gxx - Differential equations in abstract spaces [MSC 2020]

34Hxx - Control problems including ordinary differential equations [MSC 2020]

34Kxx - Functional-differential equations [MSC 2020]

35-XX - Partial differential equations [MSC 2020]

35Axx - General topics in partial differential equations [MSC 2020]

35Bxx - Qualitative properties of solutions to partial differential equations [MSC 2020]

35Exx - Partial differential equations and systems of partial differential equations with constant coefficients [MSC 2020]

35Fxx - General first-order partial differential equations and systems of first-order partial differential equations [MSC 2020]

35Gxx - General first-order partial differential equations and systems of first-order partial differential equations [MSC 2020]

35Kxx - Parabolic equations and parabolic systems [MSC 2020]

35Lxx - Hyperbolic equations and hyperbolic systems [MSC 2020]

37-XX - Dynamical systems and ergodic theory [MSC 2020]

37Jxx - Dynamical aspects of finite-dimensional Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems [MSC 2020]

39-XX - Difference and functional equations [MSC 2020]

39Axx - Difference equations [MSC 2020]

45-XX - Integral equations [MSC 2020]

45Mxx - Qualitative behavior of solutions to integral equations [MSC 2020]

46-XX - Functional analysis [MSC 2020]

46Bxx - Normed linear spaces and Banach spaces; Banach lattices [MSC 2020]

46Cxx - Inner product spaces and their generalizations, Hilbert spaces [MSC 2020]

47-XX - Operator theory [MSC 2020]

47Axx - General theory of linear operators [MSC 2020]

47Dxx - Groups and semigroups of linear operators, their generalizations and applications [MSC 2020]

47Gxx - Integral, integro-differential, and pseudodifferential operators [MSC 2020]

54-XX - General topology [MSC 2020]

54Exx - Topological spaces with richer structures [MSC 2020]

70-XX - Mechanics of particles and systems [MSC 2020]

70Exx - Dynamics of a rigid body and of multibody systems [MSC 2020]

70Hxx - Hamiltonian and Lagrangian mechanics [MSC 2020]

70Kxx - Nonlinear dynamics in mechanics [MSC 2020]

93-XX - Systems theory; control [MSC 2020]

93Cxx - Model systems in control theory [MSC 2020]

93Dxx - Stability of control systems [MSC 2020]

Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico
