28-XX - Measure and integration [MSC 2020] |
28A10 - Real- or complex-valued set functions [MSC 2020] |
28A15 - Abstract differentiation theory, differentiation of set functions [MSC 2020] |
28A25 - Integration with respect to measures and other set functions [MSC 2020] |
46-XX - Functional analysis [MSC 2020] |
46L05 - General theory of C*-algebras [MSC 2020] |
46L10 - General theory of von Neumann algebras [MSC 2020] |
47-XX - Operator theory [MSC 2020] |
47A55 - Perturbation theory of linear operator [MSC 2020] |
47B10 - Linear operators belonging to operator ideals (nuclear, $p$-summing, in the Schatten-von Neumann classes, etc.) [MSC 2020] |
47Dxx - Groups and semigroups of linear operators, their generalizations and applications [MSC 2020] |
47Fxx - Partial differential operators [MSC 2020] |