00A79 (77-XX) - Physics [MSC 2020] |
01A75 - Collected or selected works; reprintings or translations of classics [MSC 2020] |
46N50 - Applications of functional analysis in quantum physics [MSC 2020] |
47N50 - Applications of operator theory in the physical sciences [MSC 2020] |
81-XX - Quantum theory [MSC 2020] |
81P10 - Logical foundations of quantum mechanics; quantum logic (quantum-theoretic aspects) [MSC 2020] |
81P15 - Quantum measurement theory, state operations, state preparations [MSC 2020] |
81P20 - Stochastic mechanics (including stochastic electrodynamics) [MSC 2020] |
81Q10 - Selfadjoint operator theory in quantum theory, including spectral analysis [MSC 2020] |