11-XX - Number theory [MSC 2020] |
94A60 - Cryptography [MSC 2020] |
11G20 - Curves over finite and local fields [MSC 2020] |
11T71 Algebraic coding theory; cryptography [MSC 2020] |
14H52 - Elliptic curves [MSC 2020] |
11Txx - Finite fields and commutative rings (number-theoretic aspects) [MSC 2020] |
11T06 - Polynomials over finite fields [MSC 2020] |
94B27 - Geometric methods (including applications of algebraic geometry) applied to coding theory [MSC 2020] |
11T30 - Structure theory for finite fields and commutative rings (number-theoretic aspects) [MSC 2020] |